Why Salesgenie

The Proven Way to Find, Acquire, and Retain Customers

Targeted Sales Lead Lists On Demand & Turnkey Marketing Solutions

Salesgenie is your one-stop sales and marketing shop. Access millions of Business Leads and Consumer Leads then make connections with them using built-in outreach tools for calling, email marketing, and direct mail.

Finding Customers

All-in-One Sales Intelligence & Marketing Solution

Solutions for Sales, Marketing, and Data needs under one roof. Empower your sales teams with real-time data and actionable insights to maximize outreach efforts and close more deals quickly.

  • Lead Manager feature

    Salesgenie Lead Manager streamlines lead management by allowing you to sort, prioritize, qualify, research prospects, and track your sales process all within one intuitive platform.
  • User-friendly interface

    Experience intuitive navigation with data and marketing all in one tool. Grow your business in a way that works for you. Easily search for prospects using dozens of search filters to quickly create a leads list that you can start using immediately.
  • Unlimited viewing & searching

    Never again miss an opportunity to make connections with your unlimited viewing and search access. Find any business or any consumer, view detailed profiles, and save your searches to create endless targeting and segmenting options.
  • Built-in outreach tool

    Access to call status tags, notes, and tasks within each list, making it easier to manage and track your outreach efforts. This tool simplifies building new lists, viewing pending tasks, sorting by status, and managing existing lists for enhanced prospecting efficiency.
  • CRM Integration

    Integrating Salesgenie’s real-time business intelligence with CRM tools like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics revolutionizes your sales strategy and ensures your data is always current and actionable.

One Platform for Seamless Searching

Experience the convenience of having all your sales and marketing data in one place. Salesgenie’s powerful search capabilities allow you to quickly find the information you need. If you’re looking for detailed customer profiles for your sales and marketing efforts, our platform provides fast and accurate results.

Prospecting made easy

Effortlessly identify and connect with potential leads using Salesgenie to simplify your outreach process. With intuitive tools and real-time data, Salesgenie streamlines prospecting by providing you with the most accurate and up-to-date information on potential clients. Whether you're building targeted lists, tracking interactions, or analyzing prospects, Salesgenie ensures your sales efforts are both efficient and effective.

Crush Your Sales Quota

Leverage data-driven insights to close deals faster and more efficiently than ever before. Salesgenie empowers your sales team with powerful analytics and targeted lead information, enabling you to focus on high-potential prospects and tailor your approach to their needs.

Prospect on the go

The Salesgenie mobile app allows you to access real-time data and manage your sales pipeline from your phone. Stay connected and productive no matter where you are, with the ability to search for leads, update contact information, and track interactions right from your mobile device so you can keep your sales efforts on track even when you're on the move.

Salesgenie Marketing Services

Transform quality sales leads into successful marketing campaigns with Salesgenie. Your subscription opens the door to a wide variety of services designed to help you reach your sales and marketing goals. From targeted email marketing to direct mail campaigns, our comprehensive solutions ensure your message gets delivered to the right audience. Don’t forget that our experienced marketing partners are accessible to help you succeed. Acting as an extension of your team, we provide personalized support and strategic insights to maximize your results and drive your business forward.

Direct Mail

Create personalized and impactful traditional mail campaigns that drive engagement and generate high-quality leads. Design and send various types of mail pieces, such as letters, postcards, and brochures, tailored to your target audience. Enhance brand awareness, boost response rates, and convert prospects into loyal customers with direct mail solutions.

Online display ads
Digital Advertising

Utilize targeted online advertising to increase visibility, drive traffic, and convert prospects into customers. Our digital advertising solutions allow you to create highly focused campaigns that reach your ideal audience on a variety of platforms. By leveraging our comprehensive data and advanced targeting capabilities, you can deliver personalized ads that resonate with potential customers, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Search Engine Marketing & Social Media Advertising

Leverage advanced strategies to boost your search engine rankings and engage with your audience on popular social media platforms. Our search engine marketing tools help you optimize your online presence and get you in front of potential customers looking for products or services like yours. Combine this with targeted social media campaigns on platforms like Facebook to reach and engage with your audience where they spend their time online.

Local Results

Grow your business online with a landing page or a custom website crafted by our design team. You control the content and how often it’s updated. Select the right marketing campaigns for success, easily track phone calls, landing page form submissions, and more.

Connected TV (CTV)

This is a form of advertising targeting viewers who watch TV content using an internet-connected device like a smart TV, gaming console, or streaming device. Different types of CTVs include Xbox, PlayStation, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV. It’s effectiveness lies in allowing you to target your ads to specific demographics and interests.

Data Solutions

Improve your data quality with Salesgenie’s comprehensive data solutions. Keeping your data fresh and complete is crucial for successful sales and marketing campaigns. With Salesgenie, you can easily update, refresh, and enrich your existing data to ensure it remains accurate and relevant.

Our advanced data solutions allow you to append missing information, verify contact details, and enhance your records with the latest business and consumer insights. By maintaining high-quality data, you can confidently target the right prospects, streamline your outreach efforts, and achieve your sales and marketing goals more effectively. Rely on Salesgenie to keep your data robust and up-to-date and drive better results for your business.

Data Enhancement

Update or add missing information to your customer files with Salesgenie’s data enhancement services. Ensure your records are complete and accurate by appending critical details such as email addresses, phone numbers, demographics, firmographics, and more. Our data enhancement solutions help you fill in the gaps, providing a comprehensive view of your customers and prospects. Enriching your data can improve your targeting precision, enhance your marketing campaigns, and ultimately increase your conversion rates.

Customer Lookalike Profiles

Find potential prospects that closely resemble your best customers with Salesgenie’s Customer Lookalike Profiles. Simply upload your customer file into our user-friendly tool, and we’ll identify new leads that share similar characteristics and behaviors with your existing clients. By leveraging lookalike profiles, you can expand your reach, target high-potential prospects, and enhance your marketing efficiency.

Real-Time BI for Your CRM

Increase your productivity by integrating Salesgenie with your CRM for real-time access to the most up-to-date information on your leads, contacts, and accounts.


About Salesgenie

Salesgenie is your all-in-one solution for sales intelligence and marketing needs, providing comprehensive tools and insights to drive your business success. With access to high-quality data and advanced prospecting capabilities, you can effortlessly identify and connect with potential leads. Our user-friendly platform ensures seamless navigation and efficient workflow, empowering your team to achieve and exceed sales targets.

Data Quality

Committed to providing quality data to help your business succeed and invests millions every year to ensure our business and consumer records are continuously updated.

Solutions from Salesgenie

Offering a complete suite of solutions for sales, marketing, and data management, all under one roof.

Our People

Dedicated support team to ensure you are positioned for success with 50+ years of combined industry and marketing experience

Ready to try Salesgenie?

Sign up today for your Free 3-Day Trial, or call one of our marketing experts at 877.708.3844 to learn more.

Hear From Our Customers…

Watch the video to hear how one roofing company experienced incredible growth with help from Salesgenie.
Click to open the Infogroup Video video.

It All Starts with the Data

15 Million


4 Million


1 Million


315 Million




11 Million